Thursday, August 12, 2010

Reflections of AED 200

1. I expected to learn about artists, materials and styles in art and I did.
2. I define art as a form of expression and I have always felt this way but this class has definately expanded by knowledge on the many ways that artists do express themselves.
3. My favorite artist always seemed to be abstract artists like Pablo Picasso. I like to think outside the box so I enjoy art that is different and creative. My opinion has not changed about that. I have added to my favorites, artist like Aaron Douglas who also borrowed from "primitive" artworks of Indegenious cultures like Picasso.
4. I knew that taking this course was going to be a lot of work. Online classes are very demanding and require a lot of dedication. What took me by surprise was the fact that something was due every other day. One of the reasons students pick online classes is because they have a hectic schedule and cannot fit in a regular class so having daily deadlines is very hard. Most classes I had in the past allowed everything to be due by the last day of the module, that way if you have to turn it in you can work around your own schedule. I missed a lot of deadlines and I did not expect to do so badly because I have done so well in the past with online classes. I have 2 small children, a husband and a full time job and I wish I had to time to take this class on campus because I think I would have done much better.

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