This video is about the critic Clement Greenberg. He is being interviewed by T.J Clark in 1981. Greenberg begins by explaining that an art critic has a more difficult job than a music or literature critic. He turns to a music critic to see "how" to be more relevant. He discusses other critics and partisan review. Greenberg discusses how he was attracted to modern art and that the best art of the last fifty years has been abstract. In his opinion, modern art was a result of a culture boom after WWII. He discusses the act that being a critic involves intuition, reasoning and relevance. These qualities existed in past great critics. Greenberg lack of use of history is questioned by Clark. Clark states that the critics judgment is going to be based on history. This film relates to our project because Greenberg is telling us what being an art critic consists of. I will certainly use intuition, reasoning and relevance to critique the artwork I view at the museum.
Greenberg on Pollock: An Interview by T. J. Clark
In this video Greenberg looks back at when Jackson Pollock emerged in the 1940s and there was a buzz about Pollock becoming famous. In 1947 Pollock paints one of the first of his famous splatter paintings. Pollock explains that he wants to paint paintings that could move easily from mural to easel. The ironic fact is that Pollock criticized the use of an easel, he use an easel for all of his paintings. I found that to be interesting. His paintings were meant to be transitional: to be able to go from easel to mural. Pollack broke the barriers of modern art. Even though his work looks chaotic, it is actually a rhythm to the way he slings his wrist , arm and shoulder. Greenberg admits that Pollock is an outsider but he feels that his methods are practical. What I found interesting is that even though Pollock became famous, he felt alone in the art work. He sought out to be different remained solitary. Even the art itself was separated from other ordinary art. This video relates to our project because Greenberg sees Pollock just as Pollock wanted people to see him and that is as an outsider. If the critic receives what the artist is trying to convey then the artist's mission is accomplished.
An Introduction to the Italian Renaissance (Giorgio Vasari)
This video discusses the Italian Renaissance. In the late 1560s many artists thrived due to a sudden period of enlightenment and renewed enthusiasm in the arts. One of those artists is Giorgio Vasari. In ancient Rome artists often painted natural objects but by the time the rise of the Byzantine Empire, artists were getting their inspiration from religious doctrine as mentioned in the text earlier this semester. The artist Giotto revives the Roman tradition in art. He was inspired by architecture around him. Coincidently, his apprentice Ghiberti created images of biblical context from the book of Genesis in human form. Other artists from the Italian Renaissance portray nudes to show human beauty, like Donatello's statue of David.
Pierro della Francesca helps the Catholic Church convey Christianity through art with his painting of "The Madonna and Child". Other famous paintings that came from this era include D'Vinci's "The Last Supper" and the "Mona Lisa" and Michealangelo's painting of the Sisteen Chapel. All of this art came from a burst of artistic expression in that time period. I often wonder will we ever encounter a Renaissance in our lifetimes.
The Critics: Stories from the Inside Pages
I enjoyed this video because it explored, what is the purpose of a critic. I asked myself the same question because I truly believe beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The video points out that the critic gets people to think and look at the art differently. Critics also keep artists on their toes and one good review from a well know critic can make an artist famous. Literature critics help new writers by suggesting the book as a good read. Most critics are passionate about their work. Just as we have to when visiting galleries, the critic has to compare objectivity versus subjectivity. Critics are also brave because they have to be able to make an argument for or against an artist. This requires support of the argument which is why critical thinking is important. The criticism has to be well written with the audience in mind. By writing criticisms in this class I learned that criticism does not have to be a negative thing. It can help interpret art and even help aspiring artists.
The Colonial Encounter: Views of Non-Western Art and Culture
This video explores views of Non- Western Art. It explores colonialism in Africa and how it is justified by the images that Africans painted in their artwork. The Paris World fair had French artwork and other multicultural works of art also. The fair included images from Dahome and Algeria. Images portrayed African men in cages like animals. Women were depicted as sensual, Arabian dancers. They used these images to justify colonialism. Prejudice affected the way this art was interpreted. At that time indigenous people were considered to be savages and had to be treated as such. This is interesting because I never realized how much art would have been affected by prejudice in those times. The symbolism of the artwork was not appreciated. The women were even sexually exploited and depicted in a pornographic manner. Exploitation by Europeans is called colonialism.
Jackson Pollock: Michael Fried and T. J. Clark in Conversation
In this video, critics Michael Fried and T. J Clark discuss Jackson Pollock and his impact on modern art. They agree that he was an important figure in modern art but is often used as a negative point of reference. Fried believes that Pollack's work is optical rather than tactical. It is interesting to see what Fried looks at in Pollack's painting compared to what Clark looks at. This occurs because it is difficult to pinpoint the artist's intentions. They also discuss the historical importance of Pollack's work. Their critiques differ from the first video of Greenberg. Greenberg explored the method of Pollack's work. This relates to the project because we will have to decide what factors to be considering when viewing artwork. What is interesting to me is that it seems like Pollack did not want his work interpreted and analyzed. I believe the paintings were meant for each viewer to take its own ideas from the painting and evoke your own feelings toward the paintings.
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