Friday, June 18, 2010

Exploring Value and The Subtractive Color Theory

I had a lot of fun with this project!!

I thought creating the Value Scale was going to be very simple, but it was not as easy as it seemed. The trouble I had was making the darkest shade of black with a graphite pencil. It just did not look black enough to me. As for the lighter shades I had to smudge the pencil with my finger to lighten it You cannot see the white square in this image. The color wheel on the other hand was fairly simple. The watercolors are only annoying in that they can make the paper "soggy" if you do not blot the brush off enough but I enjoyed creating both scales

I enjoyed working with the pencil better because it is something I am more familiar and comfortable with. I have used shading techniques recently when I just sketch. I have not used water colors in such a long time. You can erase pencil but not watercolors!

I think the most important discovery in the study of these color theories is the complementary color theory. By placing the complimentary colors next to one another the colors appear more vibrant.

The most important aspect of the videos to me was to darken colors without black. I have made the mistake of ruining paintings in the past with black and black can overpower the other colors.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Project Reflection

This project was very interesting. When I first read the assignment I thought it would be difficult to photogragh the principles and elements but I found this project to be fun. I feel like I have a much better understanding of the elements and principles of art. The most difficult principle to photograph was "emphasis" because in a photograph there can be a lot of distractions for the viewer. I found the other elements and principles to be fairly simple. Take a look......

Friday, June 11, 2010

Color and Emotional Effects

1. An artist's use of color can influence a person's emotions in a painting. The hue, intensity and color can promote a feeling that the artis is trying to convey. Brighter hues can promote happier feelings for instance and more intense colors can convey more intese feelings.

2. The theoretical aspect of color that intrigues me the most is the fact that we do not see colors we actually see reflections of light. What is even more interesting is that white is a combination of all the colors on the spectrum.

3. In the video, the most interesting aspect was that the artist began with the yellowish color of the buildings as a foundation to her painting. She later added more intense colors that expressed her mood and the outcome was much more personal than the image she saw.

4.In the video, the most intriguing aspect of color and feelings is that it started with humanism. Each period of time changes the way humans were depicted. For instance, during the revolution, the paintings were not meant to depict any emotion other than Revolution. The colors were intense and meant to depict the emotions of war.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

First Blog

1. I thought the process of creating the gmail account and blog was very simple. I think I have been raised in the computer age so it was very similar to other functions I do on the computer daily.
2. I expect to learn about artists, materials and styles in art. It should be interesting to see what influences certain things and art.
3. I feel that taking an online course is not as easy as most people think. It requires a lot of dedication and discipline, so I am constantly reminding myself to check online daily and put in the same amount of effort as I would any other class. (Sometimes online classes have MORE work than regular classes) in my opinion